|----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ********** ******** ******** ******** | | ********** ********** ********** ********** | | ** ** ** ** ** ** ** | | ** ** ** ** ** | | ********** ********** ******** ** | | ********** ********* ******** ** | | ** ** ** *** ** ** | | ** ** ** ** *** ** ** | | ********** ** ** ********** ********* | | ********** ** ** ******** ******* | | | | | | *** ***** *** **** | | * * * * * * | | * * * *** | | * *** * * * * | | *** ***** *** **** | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Work Order Number: P19R49 | | | | Satellite : LS5 | | | | Sensor : TM | | | | Product Type: GEOREFERENCED Product | | | | User Identification : EARTH SAT | | | | Date of Initialization : 1999-06-22::11:17:42 | | | | Date of Completion : 1999-06-22::14:52:05 | | | | | | Total Number of Scenes : 1 | | | | Number of Film Products : 0 (0) | | | | Number of CCT Products : 0 | | | | Number of Disk Products : 1 | | | | | | | | Total Number of Products : 1 | | | | | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | | | | | | Input and Process Information | | | | Work Order Number: P19R49 Scene A | | | | | | Product Location : Path/Row 19/49 | | Product Scene Centre Time : 1994-03-28::15:37:57 | | Product Scene Id : 53679153759 | | Product Scene Centre Latitude : 15.888 | | Product Scene Centre Longitude : -88.981 | | | | Sun Elevation at Product Centre: 52.58 degrees | | Sun Azimuth at Product Centre: 106.14 degrees | | | | Sensor Pointing Angle: 0.00 degrees | | | | | | Input Volume: | | Medium (tape type) : HDT | | HDDT Identification No.: COTOPAXI 98 | | Recording Number : 19 | | Orbit Number : 53575 | | Signal Acquired At : | | 1994-03-28::15:36:52.000000 SPACECRAFT_TIME | | Signal Lost At : | | 1994-03-28::15:42:58.000000 SPACECRAFT_TIME | | | | | | Total Number of Swaths : 362 | | Swaths with Sync Losses : 5 | | Total Number of Sync Losses: 13 | | | | Line Length Variation: 6313.9 - 6323.6 | | | | Radiometric Status: ACCEPTABLE | | | | | | Cloud Cover and Quality Evaluation: | | | | | | _________________________________________________________________________ | | | | _________________________________________________________________________ | | | | _________________________________________________________________________ | | | | _________________________________________________________________________ | | | | _________________________________________________________________________ | | | | _________________________________________________________________________ | | | | _________________________________________________________________________ | | | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | | | | | | Output Data Specification | | | | Work Order Number: P19R49 Scene A1 | | | | | | | | Pixel Height: 30.00 m Pixel Width: 30.00 m | | | | | | Radiometric Options: | | Radiometric : CAL2 | | Representation: Linear | | | | | | | | Geometric Options: | | Correction Type : Sys Georeferenced | | Resampling Kernel : DAMPED 16 POINT SINC | | Elevation Correction: Not Applied | | | | | | | | Product Kind: Disk Product | | Sys Georef Scene | | | | | | Disk Bands: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | | GICS Radiometric Quality Assessment Report | | | | | | Work Order Number: P19R49 Scene A Work Order Date/Time : 1999-06-22::11:17:42| | | | User Id: EARTH SAT Date/Time QA Performed: 1999-06-22::14:52:04| | | | Satellite: LS5 Sensor: TM | | | | Radiometric QA Status : ACCEPTABLE | | | | | | DESTRIPING COMPUTATION SUMMARY | | | | Ref In-Band ------ Absolute ------- ---Forward Destriping-- ---Reverse Destriping--| |Band Det Rel. Gain Offset Gain Offset Gain Offset| | Error ------ (fwd/rev) ------ ----- (min/max) ------- ----- (min/max) -------| | | | 1 15 0.0 % 0.881/0.876 -4.3/-3.9 0.867/0.890 -4.5/-3.7 0.865/0.883 -4.0/-3.3 | | 2 10 0.0 % 0.894/0.893 -0.7/-0.7 0.887/0.911 -1.1/-0.6 0.885/0.905 -0.9/-0.5 | | 3 7 0.0 % 0.750/0.754 0.1/0.0 0.750/0.777 -0.3/0.5 0.754/0.775 -0.2/0.6 | | 4 7 0.0 % 0.854/0.854 0.8/0.8 0.835/0.854 0.7/1.4 0.834/0.854 0.7/1.4 | | 5 2 0.0 % 0.812/0.815 0.2/-0.1 0.807/0.834 0.0/0.4 0.809/0.838 -0.4/0.1 | | 6 4 0.0 % 1.227/1.244 -126.0/-127.1.216/1.383 -169.1/-126.1.239/1.321 -138.6/-127| | 7 15 0.0 % 0.895/0.898 0.8/0.7 0.876/0.899 0.8/1.5 0.878/0.903 0.7/1.4 | | | | | | RESIDUAL STRIPING REPORTS | | | | Band --- Start --- ---- Size ----- Mean Std. Dev. Striping Estimates | | Line Pixel Lines Pixels | | | | 1 1072 1551 128 128 71.90 3.6532 0.2694 | | 2272 2689 128 128 79.39 0.9533 0.0359 | | 3456 3840 128 128 74.13 2.0720 0.0751 | | 4655 5017 128 128 69.11 6.4697 0.3871 | | | | 2 1072 1556 128 128 28.78 1.1083 0.0778 | | 2272 2694 128 128 31.10 0.8996 0.0197 | | 3456 3849 128 128 27.84 1.4554 0.0580 | | 4655 5034 128 128 29.57 4.3984 0.2448 | | | | 3 1072 1553 128 128 26.57 1.8031 0.1234 | | 2272 2695 128 128 30.52 1.6448 0.0609 | | 3456 3850 128 128 26.12 1.5264 0.0721 | | 4655 5031 128 128 35.70 8.5389 0.3781 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | - Report CONT`D - | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | GICS Radiometric Quality Assessment Report CONT`D | | Work Order Number: P19R49 Scene A | | | | Band --- Start --- ---- Size ----- Mean Std. Dev. Striping Estimates | | Line Pixel Lines Pixels | | | | 4 1072 1554 128 128 81.61 5.6616 0.4092 | | 2272 2696 128 128 91.09 3.5308 0.1205 | | 3456 3851 128 128 80.85 10.2163 0.2575 | | 4656 5032 128 128 66.53 4.4938 0.2855 | | | | 5 1072 1553 128 128 65.38 5.0086 0.3022 | | 2273 2695 128 128 77.87 6.0634 0.1830 | | 3456 3850 128 128 60.18 8.2933 0.3238 | | 4656 5034 128 128 89.13 22.5213 0.8242 | | | | 6 1074 1576 32 128 140.77 1.1609 0.0412 | | 2274 2713 32 128 143.87 0.7066 0.0206 | | 3458 3860 32 128 138.85 2.8086 0.0854 | | 4658 5041 32 128 157.07 2.9761 0.0572 | | | | 7 1072 1555 128 128 17.68 1.8843 0.0900 | | 2273 2693 128 128 21.77 2.3642 0.0993 | | 3456 3852 128 128 16.65 2.3844 0.1100 | | 4656 5032 128 128 32.44 12.1661 0.4610 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | RADIOMETRIC ACCURACY SPECIFICATION | | | | Absolute Error : 10.0 % PRE-LAUNCH | | Inter-Band Relative Error: 2.0 % PRE-LAUNCH | | | | | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|